If your question hasn’t been covered here, please get in touch with us by email or live chat and we’ll do our best to help!Your security is our number one priority here at ApexBoost, which is why we only provide information directly to your booster and delete all data once your order has been completed. Furthermore, it’s impossible to change your Apex login details without direct email access, ensuring you can be confident in your account security when you choose our team!If you’ve not yet had an email for your order, please make sure you’ve checked your inbox as well as the spam folder. If you still can’t find an email, let us know through live chat or by email and we’ll try to help!All orders placed through Boostapex are completely private, and only you, your booster, and the customer support team will see the details.Our customers’ security is our top priority, which is why we only display account information to your booster and the customer support team. Once your order has been finalized, we’ll aim to delete your data within 2 weeks for maximum security.If you’ve forgotten your password, don’t panic – just select the “forgot password?” option when signing in. If you cannot find this option, email us or use the live chat module and we’ll do our best to help out.If your account has been deleted, this is likely because your order has been finalized. If your order is still ongoing but your account appears to have been deleted, get in touch with our customer support by email or live chat and we’ll do our best to help!We take security very seriously at Boostapex.com, which is why we only store the bare minimum amount of data in an encrypted format, and always delete data ASAP after completing your order.We will never send spam emails or newsletters. We’ll only send emails to let you know how your boosting order is progressing.